* Kuyper Institute for Political Studies
* Eagle Forum of Arkansas
* Eagle Forum of California
* Eagle Forum of Kansas
* Eagle Forum of Michigan
* Eagle Forum of Texas
* Christian Coalition of Georgia
* Christian Coalition of Missouri
* Christian Coalition of New York
* Christian Coalition of Pennsylvania
* American Family Assoc. of Alabama
* American Family Assoc. of Kentucky
* American Family Assoc. of New Jersey
* National Mini Convention Political Party
* Eagle Forum of Ohio
* Human Events
* Alabama Physician's Resource Council
* North Georgia Home Educators Association
* Michigan Decency Action Council
* Local Government Council
* Women for Responsible Legislation
* National Center for Constitutional Studies
* Liberty Counsel
* Vocal Foundation
* Christian Coalition of California
* Citizens for Choice in Health Care - Minnesota
* Citizens Against Repressive Zoning
* Pacific Research Institute
* Eagle Forum of Washington
* People For the USA
* Constitutional Coalition
* American Land Rights Association
* Center for the American Founding
* League of American Families
The Thomas B. Fordham Foundation
• To
view the reports that preceded Charter Schools In Action,
click here.
• To view
other Fordham reports and articles about charter schools, click here.
Charter Schools In Action is
currently available wherever good books are sold.
Charter Schools In Action: Renewing Public Education
"The charter school movement is one of the most promising reforms to hit public
education in a long time, and no one is better prepared to explain its
significance than Finn, Manno, and Vanourek. These scholars have been studying
the ins and outs and ups and downs of charter schools from the beginning,
documenting the successes and limitations of the charter model for policymakers
in Congress and in statehouses across the country. Now they are doing the same
for the general public with this informative, insightful, and inspiring book. I
would encourage anyone who cares about the future of our public schools to read
-Senator Joseph Lieberman (D-Connecticut)
Can Charter Schools Save Public Education?
Clinton wants to triple the number of charter schools by the year 2010. George
W. Bush wants to set aside $3 billion of federal money to support facilities for
them. The public consistently says that education is one of the most important
issues facing the country. And charter schools have emerged as one of the
liveliest and most promising strategies for solving the problems of American
education. Yet most people are unfamiliar with the whole concept.
Renewing Public Education
offers the explanation that they've been waiting for. Indeed, it provides the
most comprehensive examination to date of the charter movement. Published by
Princeton University Press (March, 2000; 280 pages; $27.95; cloth), this
important new book by Chester E. Finn, Jr., Bruno V. Manno and Gregg Vanourek
answers the vital questions: What exactly are charter schools? Why have they
garnered bipartisan political support? How are they succeeding? Where are they
failing? What challenges do they face? Are they the answer to America's
education crisis?
first charter school opened in 1992. Today, barely seven years later, nearly
1,700 charter schools are serving 350,000 students in 32 states and the District
of Columbia. Washington, D.C. alone has 28 charter schools enrolling a
remarkable ten percent of the District's children. From Phoenix to Boston, San
Diego to Detroit, determined parents, teachers and community groups are
reshaping American education in a way that utilizes the dynamism and
responsiveness of the free market while maintaining the publicly funded,
universal access to public education that Americans crave. The authors visited
over 100 schools, conducted hundreds of interviews and surveyed scores of
parents, teachers and students.
is a fact-filled, hard hitting, engaging and accessible examination of the
history, problems, successes, innovations and future of the charter movement. It
also addresses, in an even-handed and constructive manner, objections to charter
schools and the opposition they face on several fronts, including resistance
from local school boards and teachers' unions. The authors' insights about the
many problems facing these schools are among the book's many important
argues that, by making their policies, practices, problems and accomplishments
transparent, charter schools can successfully be held accountable for the
education they provide without resorting to heavy-handed regulation. Indeed,
charter schools are more accountable than schools in the current system. If a
school is failing, eliminate it. If it pleases no families, nobody need attend
it. Such options don't exist in the traditional school model.
Manno and Vanourek also show how charter schools are at the center of-and help
to restore-vital communities, encouraging parental involvement and responding to
a community's priorities.
book's final chapter examines a city in the not-so-distant future where every
public school is a charter school. It provides an imaginative, insightful and
engaging window onto a better future for American schoolchildren.
will frame the discussion of the charter phenomenon for years to come, and the
issues it examines will only become more relevant as the number of these schools
increases. This is almost sure to happen; and Chester Finn, Bruno Manno and
Gregg Vanourek find that charter schools are well on their way to renewing
American public education.
Thomas B. Fordham Foundation
K Street, NW, Suite 600 Washington, DC 20006
223-5452; (202) 223-9226 (fax)
order publications:
TBF-7474 or
Foundation is neither connected with nor sponsored by Fordham University.
Paul Allen Bankrolls Charter Schools Initiative
September 7 - 13, 2000
quietly, multibillionaire Paul Allen is buying another statewide election.
Allen, you'll remember, found himself in 1997 with the need to go to the polls
for public financing of a football stadium. Faced with a bit of unpopular
corporate welfare, Allen came up with a unique approach to getting his way in
the electoral arena: He threw so much money at the proposition--some $12
million, over a hundred times the bankroll of the opposition--that there was no
way he could lose.
Understanding RAC and ERI
[Restructuring Advisory Committee / Education Renewal Institute]
Issaquah's Restructuring Advisory Committee [RAC] had made the decision to implement the Student for the Future survey.
The RAC was a relatively new concept in school district management. A deal had been struck between the WA Business Roundtable, the teacher's union [WEA], other education stakeholders (PTA, the associations for principals, school administrators, and school boards), creating ERI [Education Renewal Institute 1993]. Issaquah became one of four pilot projects in Washington state to implement school reform. And the cost was high despite many failures.
“ERI has raised and spent $1.4 million…Almost all of ERI's support has come from the Roundtable member companies…Compare this modest but promising effort with two other reform programs. In Michigan a reform effort with $10 million a year, mostly Kellogg money, is working with only 20 schools –– not districts. After three years the claim three of the 20 have done something significant. The Coalition of Essential Schools, led by Theodore Sizer [CES is based at Brown University. RAND's Paul Hill identified CES a “distinguished” curriculum for school reform] and funded by national foundations and corporations, is working in 150 schools across the country. After 6-8 years, they estimate they are getting significant results in about 20 of them.” [Educational Renewal Institute, February 1994, emphasis added]
ERI and Issaquah’s restructuring committee, RAC, were one-in-the-same: ERI/RAC
One of the four ERI pilot projects was Pasco, WA. The Roundtable consistently referred to Pasco as a “best practices” model for education reform during the legislative sessions considering the GOALS 2000 legislation in Washington. However, it came to light that no measurable improvements had occurred. Nevertheless, Larry Nyland, the former superintendent of Pasco was hired as a full time educational ‘expert’ consultant to the Governor's education task force––GCERF––considering GOALS 2000. The Roundtable brought other GOALS 2000 strategists to the state at that time:
GCERF Expert Consultants
John Chubb, Brookings Institution
Michael Kirst, Stanford University – “an expert on charter schools”
Fred P. Haley, Brown & Haley Company
Jeff Lewis, Vice President Sea First National Bank [now Bank of America]
Shirley McCune, Senior Director, McREL Center for Educational Equity
Larry Nyland, Education Consultant (now on faculty Seattle Pacific University [SPU])
Marc S. Tucker, National Center on Education and the Economy
[Formerly with Carnegie for the Advancement of Teaching and the National Alliance for Restructuring Education/NARE GOALS 2000 NASDC design team]
David Hornbeck, Co-Director of NARE and Senior Education Consultant, National Business Roundtable
[Formerly with Carnegie for the Advancement of Teaching and the Pew forum on Education Reform]
*NARE was a winner of the GOALS New American Schools design teams; a case where the strategists for the contest won the contest. The NARE design team submitted a proposal to the Pew Charitable Trust: “We are asking the Pew Charitable Trusts to provide us with $1 million per year for the next three years…”
The NARE Design Team Partners
[partial listing]
Apple Computer, Inc.
The Center for the Study of Social Policy, Washington D.C. [human services are tied to the GOALS 2000 education outcomes through GOALS 2000]
National Center on Education and the Economy [former name: Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching]
Learning and Research Development Center, New Standards Project, University of Pittsburgh - Lauren Resnick & Robert Glaser
[their work served as the new performance-based assessment model for GOALS 2000 testing for outcomes]
National Alliance of Business
Public Agenda Foundation - Cyrus Vance [CFR] & Daniel Yankelovich [CFR]
Harvard University Project on Effective Services [human services are tied to the GOALS 2000 education outcomes]
National Alliance of Business
Any one visiting the Issaqua RAC/ERI meetings would make an amazing discovery. The sole parent-member of the Restructuring Committee––Phil Bussey––was also the Chairman of the Restructuring Committee. This was indeed a very unusual circumstance. Add to this that Mr. Bussey was/is the WA Business Roundtable's President and the Roundtable’s lead education policy man for all of Washington State––registered as the paid Business Roundtable lobbyist to the Washington state of Washington. He was hardly just a concerned parent. The Issaquah Restructuring Committee was part of Bussey’s full-time job! This is how GOALS 2000 is being introduced at the community level; the federal plan is being integrated at the local level by the National Business Roundtable's state representatives. Shadow Mr. Bussey and you have a window on GOALS 2000 for Washington state. Travel to another state, find their Business Roundtable rep. and the pattern is repeated many times over.
Charter Schools, Character Education & The Eugenics Internationale
14. American Civil Rights Union
15. American Conservative Union
16. American Council For Immigration Reform
17. American Decency Association
18. American Family Association
19. American Family Association of Kentucky
20. American Family Association of Michigan
21. American Family Association of New Jersey
22. American Family Association of New York
23. American Family Defense Coalition, California Central
Coast Chapter
24. American Freedom Crusade
25. American Immigration Control
26. American Land Rights Association
27. American Policy Center
28. American Pro-Constitutional Association (AMPROCON)
29. American Renewal
30. American Shareholders Association
31. Americans For Military Readiness
32. Americans For Tax Reform
33. Americans For The Right To Life
34. Americans For Voluntary School Prayer
35. Americans United For The Unity Of Church and State
36. Arkansas Family Council
37. Association of American Educators
38. Association of Christian Schools International
39. Association of Concerned Taxpayers
40. Association of Maryland Families
41. Baptist International Missions, Inc.
42. Brass Roots
43. BrotherWatch
44. California Public Policy Foundation
45. California Republican Assembly
46. Calvary Baptist Academy
47. Campaign For California Families
48. Capital Research Center
49. Catholic Citizens Of Illinois
50. Catholicvote.org
51. Center for a Sound Economy
52. Center For Military Readiness (CMR)
53. Center for Pro-Life Studies
54. Center For Reclaiming America
55. Christian Coalition of Alabama
56. Christian Coalition of America
57. Christian Coalition of California
58. Christian Coalition of Florida
59. Christian Coalition of Georgia
60. Christian Coalition of Ohio
61. Christian Coalition Of Rhode Island
62. Christian Schools of Vermont
63. Christian Voice
64. Christus Medicus Foundation
65. Citizen Soldier
66. Citizens Against Higher Taxes
67. Citizens Against Repressive Zoning
68. Citizens For A Sound Economy
69. Citizens For Community Values
70. Citizens For Constitutional Property Rights
71. Citizens For Excellence In Education
72. Citizens For Law and Order
73. Citizens For Less Government
74. Citizens For Traditional Values
75. Citizens United
76. CNP Action, Inc.
77. Coalition For Better Community Standards
78. Coalition For Constitutional Liberties
79. Coalition for Local Sovereignty
80. Coalition On Urban Renewal and Education (C.U.R.E.)
81. Coalitions For America
82. Colorado Association of Christian Schools
83. Committee For a Republican Future
84. Concerned Citizens Opposed To Police States
85. Concerned Women For America
86. Concerned Women For America of Virginia
87. Conservative Caucus, Inc.
88. Conservative Victory Fund
89. Constitution Party of Vermont
90. Council of Conservative Citizens, Inc.
91. Crime Victims United of California
92. Culture of Life Foundation
93. Cutting Edge - A Talk Show
94. Delaware Home Education Association
95. Delaware Christian Coalition
96. Eagle Forum
97. Eagle Forum of Alabama
98. Eagle Forum of Arkansas
99. Eagle Forum of California
100. Eagle Forum of Georgia
101. Eagle Forum of Mississippi
102. Eagle Forum of New Jersey
103. Eagle Forum of North Carolina
104. Eagle Forum of Ohio
105. Eagle Forum of Rhode Island
106. Eagle Forum of South Carolina
107. Eagle Forum of Wisconsin
108. English First
109. Environmental Conservation Organization
110. Erie Citizens Against Pornography
111. Evergreen Freedom Foundation
112. Families Allied for Intelligent Reform of Education
113. Family Association of Kentucky
114. Family First, Nebraska
115. Family Life Communications
116. Family Policy Network
117. Family Research Council
118. Family Research Forum of Wisconsin
119. Family Research Institute of Wisconsin
120. Family Taxpayers Network
121. Florida Eagle Forum, Inc.
122. Focus On The Family
123. Freedom Alliance
124. Friends of Oregon
125. Georgia Report
126. Global Evangelism Television
127. Government Is Not God - PAC
128. Graham Williams Group
129. Granite State Taxpayers
130. Guardians of Education for Maine
131. Hawaii Christian Coalition
132. Heritage Ridge Church and School
133. Home Education Radio Network
134. Home School Legal Defense Association
135. Human Life Alliance
136. Illinois Association of Christian Schools
137. Illinois Citizens For Life
138. Illinois Right To Life Committee
139. Independent Women's Forum
140. Indiana Eagle Forum
141. Information Radio Network
142. Islamic Institute Foundation
143. Justice For Murder Victims
144. Kansas Conservative Union
145. Kansas Eagle Forum
146. Kansas For Life
147. Kansas Taxpayers Network
148. KBRT AM 740, Costa Mesa, Ca
149. KFLR Radio - Phoenix, Arizona
150. Landmark Legal Foundation
151. Landowners Association of North Dakota (LAND)
152. Law Enforcement Alliance of America
153. Liberty Counsel
154. Life Action League of Massachusetts
155. Life Advocacy Alliance
156. Life Coalition International
157. Life Issues Institute
158. Life Legal Defense Foundation
159. Louisiana Family Forum
160. Madison Project
161. Maine Right To Life Committee
162. Maryland Constitution Party
163. Maryland Taxpayers Association
164. Massachusetts Citizens For Life
165. Massachusetts Eagle Forum
166. Massachusetts Family Institute
167. Medina County Christian Coalition
168. Memory Of Victims Everywhere (M.O.V.E.)
169. Michigan Decency Action Council
170. Michigan Family Forum
171. Minnesota Association of Christian Schools
172. Minnesota Christian Coalition
173. Mississippi Family Council
174. Missouri Eagle Forum
175. National Association Of Christian Educators
176. National Center For Constitutional Studies
177. National Center For Home Education
178. National Coalition For The Protection of Children and
179. National Federation of Republican Assemblies
180. National Institute of Family Life and Advocates
181. National Legal Foundation
182. National Liberty Journal
183. National Rifle Association
184. National Tax Limitation Committee
185. National Taxpayers Union
186. Neighborhood Research/Mountaintop Media
187. Nevada Republican Assembly
188. New Hampshire Right To Life
189. New Jersey Christian Coalition
190. New Jersey Family Policy Council
191. New York Eagle Forum
192. North Carolina Christian School Association
193. North Carolina Conservatives United
194. Northern Virginia Republican Action Committee
195. Northwest Legal Foundation
196. Oklahoma Family Policy Council
197. Old Dominion Association of Church Schools
198. Open Door Baptist Church
199. Operation Rescue
200. Operation Save America
201. Organized Victims of Violent Crime
202. Parents in Control
203. Parents Rights Coalition of Massachusetts
204. Pennsylvania Family Institute
205. Pennsylvania Landowners Association
206. Pennsylvania Republican Assembly
207. People Advancing Christian Education
208. Pro-Life Action League
209. Pro-Life America
210. Pro-Life Ohio
211. Project 21
212. Property Rights Congress
213. PROVE (Parents Requesting Open Vaccine Education)
214. Providence Foundation
215. Religious Freedom Coalition
216. Republican National Coalition For Life
217. Republican Platform Committee
218. Republicans Against Pornography
219. Right To Life of Cincinnati
220. Save Americas Youth
221. Second Amendment Sisters
222. Small Business Survival Committee
223. South Dakota Family Policy Council
224. South Dakota Shooting Sports Association
225. Sovereignty International
226. Taxpaying Adults
227. Teen-Aid, Inc.
228. Tennessee Association of Christian Schools
229. Tennessee Eagle Forum
230. Texas Eagle Forum
231. Texas Home School Coalition
232. Texas Journal
233. The Alliance for Traditional Marriage and Values
234. The American Family Policy Institute
235. The American Pistol and Rifle Association of Vermont
236. The Armstrong Foundation
237. The Center For Arizona Policy
238. The Center For Equal Opportunity
239. The Christian Civil League of Maine
240. The Constitutional Coalition
241. The Family Council
242. The Family Foundation
243. The Family Institute of Connecticut
244. The National Center For Public Policy Research
245. The Niobrara Institute
246. The Patrick Henry Center for Individual Liberty
247. The Strategic Policies Institute
248. Toward Tradition
249. Tradition Family, Property, Inc.
250. Traditional Values Coalition
251. U.S. Family Network
252. United Seniors Association
253. US Business and Industry Council
254. Utah Eagle Forum
255. Utah Republican Assembly
256. Watchdogs Against Government Abuse (WAG)
257. Weld County Republicans
258. West Virginians Against Government Waste
259. Whatcom County Republican Party
260. Wisconsin Information Network (WIN)
261. Wisconsin State Sovereignty Coalition
262. Young America's Foundation
263. Young Americans For Freedom
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Coalition for Constitutional
Liberties members:
* American Legislative Exchange Council
* National Center for Public Policy Analysis
* American Policy Center
* Gun Owner's of America
* Alabama Family Alliance
* Center for Arizona Policy
* Iowa Family Policy Center
* Maine Christian Civic League
* Massachusetts Family Institute
* Minnesota Family Council
* Pennsylvania Commonwealth Foundation
* North Carolina Family Policy Council
* Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs
* Texas Free Market Foundation
* Tennessee Family Institute
* Coral Ridge Ministries Media
* South Carolina Policy Council
* Alabama Citizens for Truth
* Christian Values in Action Coalition
* Citizens for Community Values
* Texas Right to Life Committee
* Wisonsin State Sovereignty Coalition
* Life Coalition International
* Christian Exchange
* Constitutional Heritage Institute (NE)
* US Family Network
* American Focus
* Sutherland Institute (UT)
* Evergreen Freedom Foundation (WA)
* American Assoc. of Christian Schools
* The Internet Guild
* America's Future
* Neighborhood Research
* Anonymizer Inc.
* Family Research Institute of Wisconsin
* Independence Institute (CO)
* Citizens for a Sound Economy
* Center for the American Experiment (MN)
* Rutherford Institute
* Family Policy Center (MO)
* Defenders of Property Rights
* Government is not God PAC
* Sovereign Citizens Against Numbering
* Faith and Freedom
* NW Council of Governments
* Independent American Party of Nevada
* West Virginia Family Foundation
* Christian Home Educators of Kentucky
* Capitol Hill Prayer Alert
* Coalition of Politically Active Christians
* Tradition, Family, Property
* Life Issues Institute |