Lawrence Pile / Wellspring Retreat Center

Lawrence Pile's bio on the Wellspring web site looks like Swiss cheese, with mostly holes. Pile graduated from Wheaton College in 1965. No career information is given except his role at Wellspring and the "U.S. Army Security Agency", which is military intelligence. Pile did not join Wellspring until 1988. What did Pile do from 1965 to 1988? He spent 3 yrs. in Germany as military intelligence, but does not say when. Pile was also *visiting Christians* in Iron Curtain countries in 1971.  See information which follows on the Army Security Agency's role in Vietnam. The *cult-watch* network is beginning to look like an intelligence operation, no? 


but first…

Director of Wellspring, Paul Martin:

>Dr. Martin studied theology at Princeton Theological Seminary (1974) and Nazarene Theological Seminary (1972-1976).<

Hobbies and Interests...
James Bond films.
(Pile likes Pink Panther) 


Lawrence A. Pile
B.A.,Cult Researcher
Workshop Leader

Larry joined the staff in 1988 and is the center's main archivist and workshop leader. He was a member of a fringe Christian group prior to his work at Wellspring.

Date of Birth: May 11, 1943
Hometown: Beachwood, Ohio
Marital Status: Married to Linda

BA, German, Wheaton College, 1965

Role at Wellspring
Workshop developer/leader.
Resident cult and fringe group researcher and archivist.
Consultant for families and friends of cult victims.
Editor of Wellspring Journal.
Researcher for legal cases involving cults.

Related Activities
Authored a book on a well-known fringe church.
Edited several source volumes on abusive groups.
Has written pamphlets on specific cults and cult-related themes.
Presented plenary talk for the Plymouth Brethren Movement elders conference in October 1998.
Conducted workshops at the Midwest Christian Outreach Conference in 1997 and 1999.
Conducted workshop on Galatians and legalism at the 2000 Personal Freedom Outreach Conference.

Former member of a fringe Christian group.
Served three years in West Berlin as a German translator for
U.S. Army Security Agency.
Was an interpreter of German, French and Russian on a fact-finding and assistance team visiting Christians in Iron Curtain countries in 1971.

Hobbies and Interests
Listening to classical music.
Stamp collecting.
Current events.
History of Russia and Germany.
Pink Panther movies.


. . .The SSA was reorganized as the Army Security Agency (ASA) at Arlington Hall Station, Virginia, on 15 September 1945. Operating under the command of the Director of Military Intelligence, the new agency had a sweeping charter. It exercised control functions through a vertical command structure. ASA established a worldwide chain of fixed sites - "field stations" - while maintaining large theater headquarters in the Far East and in Europe.

In 1949, all three military cryptologic services were centralized under the new Armed Forces Security Agency (AFSA), the precursor of today's National Security Agency. . .

In the 1960s, ASA was again called upon to assist U.S. forces in the field. On 13 May 1961, the first contingent of Army Security Agency personnel arrived in South Vietnam (setting up an organization at Tan Son Nhut Air Base) to provide support to the U.S. Military Assistance Advisory . . .

On 1 January 1977, Headquarters, U.S. Army Security agency, was redesignated as Headquarters, U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command.