“ ‘government by secret societies’,
or by a group of initiates who operate from behind the scenes.
It is an analogue of ‘theocracy’, or rule by a priesthood.”
~ Marquis Alexandre Saint-Yves d’Alveydre
“In all corners of the earth the words ‘Liberty, Equality, Fraternity,’ brought to our ranks, thanks to our blind agents, whole legions who bore our banners with enthusiasm. And all the time these words were canker-worms at work boring into the well-being of the Goyim, putting an end everywhere to peace, quiet, solidarity and destroying all the foundations of the Goya States. As you will see later, this helped us to our triumph: it gave us the possibility, among other things, of getting into our hands the master card – the destruction of the privileges, or in other words of the very existence of the aristocracy of the Goyim, that class which was the only defense peoples and countries had against us.” (Protocol 1.26)
“Congressmen Ron Paul and Bob Barr...have acknowledged her influence on their lives.” (“Ayn Rand”)
In his book, The Revolution: A Manifesto, Ron Paul recommended that his supporters read all of Ayn Rand’s books. Congressman Paul added a disclaimer that he has “strong disagreements with her on important matters.” His disagreements with Rand are never stated.
“Ron Paul. A 10-term U.S. Congressman from Texas, Dr. Paul recently debuted a #1 bestselling book, ‘The Revolution: A Manifesto’, and in that book he places Ayn Rand’s ‘Atlas Shrugged’ firmly into his reading list, a couple of entries below Ayn Rand’s one-time intellectual ally, Isabel Paterson’s book, ‘The God of the Machine’ (which, it seems, both Dr. Paul and Ayn Rand highly enjoyed). But the most gracious acknowledgement to Ayn Rand is in what Dr. Paul wrote after the entry: ‘I consider all of Rand’s novels worth reading, in spite of my strong disagreements with her on important matters.’” (“Ayn Rand: The missing Libertarian Ingredient, the secret Ron Paul ingredient,” The Revolution: A Manifesto, p. 172)
See: “Ayn Rand & ‘The Trust’”
When asked about Ayn Rand by a Dartmouth student, Rep. Paul responded, “She had a lot of influence on me... She didn’t like Libertarians and she was much more militant. Our founders were less militant and they didn’t want to be involved overseas, and she did, and the Objectivists now are [?] on that. But she contributed tremendously. I think Atlas Shrugged might be the second most read book in history. You know how she was treated. Nobody would give her a review and, if they did, it was horrible, horrible, horrible! It was word of mouth, and Atlas is still selling millions of copies because she was telling the truth and people are anxious to hear it.” (Ron Paul discusses Ayn Rand video)
Ron Paul frequently expresses his objections to the Iraq war. Ron Paul Speaks, a 2008 book documenting Ron Paul’s “dynamic statements on hundreds of issues,” states in several places, “He voted against the Iraq War.” (pp. xi, xiv, xvi, back cover) In October of 2002, Congressman Paul did vote against the Iraq War Resolution, H.J. Res. 114. However, Ron Paul’s Nay vote came one year late, after military action had already begun in the Mideast. On September 14, 2001, Ron Paul voted for H.J.RES.64 “To authorize the use of United States Armed Forces against those responsible for the recent attacks launched against the United States.” H.J. Res. 64 was approved and the Senate approved S.J. Res. 23, “Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Terrorists.”
H.J.RES.64 and S.J. Res. 23 provided Congressional authorization for the October 7, 2001 invasion of Afghanistan: “Operation Enduring Freedom, the official name used by the U.S. Government for its War in Afghanistan, together with three smaller military actions, under the umbrella of its Global War on Terror.” (“Operation Enduring Freedom”) Ron Paul was more than ‘a day late and a dollar short’ – like one year, several billions of dollars and thousands of human lives too late. By the time Ron Paul voted against the War in Iraq in October of 2002, U.S. action in the Middle East was well underway. Where was Congressman Paul’s passionate anti-war rhetoric in September of 2001?
Ron Paul reveals his true Zionist colors by maintaining that Islamic terrorists destroyed the Twin Towers on 9-11, and that the U.S. Military should be used against them. “Why are we taking precious military and intelligence resources away from tracking down those who did attack the United States–and who may again attack the United States–and using them to invade countries that have not attacked the United States? 22.” (Ron Paul Speaks, fn. 22 Ron Paul, "Questions That Won’t Be Asked About Iraq," U.S. House of Representatives, Sept. 10, 2002.)
The fact is that Ron Paul agrees with Ayn Rand on most of the major issues. Although he claims to be pro-life, Congressman Paul would leave the abortion issue up to the state legislatures and courts to decide. “Ron Paul believes that the ninth and tenth amendments to the U.S. Constitution do not grant the federal government any authority to legalize or ban abortion. Instead, it is up to the individual states to prohibit abortion.” ( Although Ron Paul claims the U.S. needs to return to the Constitution, his Sanctity of Life Act of 2007 bypasses the Bill of Rights as well as the Declaration of Independence which guarantee the right to life.
Although he is still a Republican, Ron Paul identifies himself as a Libertarian. Like Ayn Rand, Congressman Paul is passionate in his advocacy of a laissez faire free market economics — pure, unregulated, unbridled capitalism — which has, for a century, stealthily removed the safeguards put in place by the elected U.S. government against the predatory schemes of the Jewish banking cartel. “Ron Paul equates personal freedom with ‘economic freedom,’ meaning the ‘freedom’ of the Jewish Capitalists to steal our wealth... Know ‘Ayn Rand’ and you will know Ron Paul and what a danger he poses to our freedom.” (Christopher Jon Bjerknes) Libertarian advocates of laissez faire, free market capitalism preach the diabolical creed of the Learned Elders of Sion:
“Political freedom is an idea but not a fact. This idea one must know how to apply whenever it appears necessary with this bait of an idea to attract the masses of the people to one’s party for the purpose of crushing another who is in authority. This task is rendered easier if the opponent has himself been infected with the idea of freedom, so-called liberalism, and, for the sake of an idea, is willing to yield some of his power. It is precisely here that the triumph of our theory appears; the slackened reins of government are immediately, by the law of life, caught up and gathered together by a new hand, because the blind might of the nation cannot for one single day exist without guidance, and the new authority merely fits into the place of the old already weakened by liberalism.”
“Ron Paul, ‘Ayn Rand’ and ‘The Trust’”
Christopher Jon Bjerknes
“Ron Paul, like Alan Greenspan, was heavily influenced by the Russian Jewess ‘Ayn Rand’... Ron Paul, the ‘Libertarian’ who wants to erode all the powers of the Federal Government which protect us from the Rothschild model of laissez faire Capitalism, in the name of ‘freedom’. Ron Paul equates personal freedom with ‘economic freedom’, meaning the ‘freedom’ of the Jewish Capitalists to steal our wealth with their monopolies, pollute our environment with their greed, fill our streets with drug dealers, and rob the nation of all our gold and other wealth in the name of creating ‘sound money’.
“He would increase the advantages of the wealthy by taking away all public benefits to our citizens which would provide each American with the opportunity to have an education, obtain medical care, drink clean water and breathe clean air. Do not be duped by these agents of World Jewry who are trying to teach you to destroy yourself and your nation in the name of ‘freedom’. We need to do whatever it takes to provide education to our citizens, protect our environment, and tend to the needs of those who need our help, including using our government as a means to secure and promote these vital interests without which personal freedom cannot exist and ceases to have real meaning.
“We need to take back our wealth from the Jewish bankers who have exploited Capitalism as a means to syphon off the wealth of Gentiles and leave them poor and uneducated. We need to take the press and educational system out of the hands of World Jewry and create public schools which teach real history and honest social responsibility. Ron Paul’s Ayn Rand selfishness will wipe away all Christian values of charity, community and family. It leads impoverished fools to blame the poor for their poverty and celebrate the ‘right’ of rich Jews to own the media, run the government and suck off the wealth, labor and health of the general American public—the supposed ‘right’ of rich Jews to educate their youth while the young of the Gentiles make heroes of thugs and celebrate ignorance and poverty as if the virtues of those who are ‘free’...
“Know ‘Ayn Rand’ and you will know Ron Paul and what a danger he poses to our freedom. Know the machinations of the Bolshevik ‘Trust’ and you will know why the supposedly anti-Zionist and anti-Communist movements in America have always been farces headed by Jews and funded with Jewish money, and why they promote Ron Paul. Understand why no advancements are made in the fight against Zionism and why these front organizations are such an embarrassment to authentic anti-Zionists, why they did nothing during the Israeli attack on Lebanon, why they do nothing to rescue the Palestinians, why they have done nothing to impeach Bush and Cheney, etc. etc. etc. Know also why at critical moments they stage fights among their members and subvert momentum and misinform and mislead wherever possible...”
Libertarianism is a front for the Austrian School of Ludwig von Mises, co-conspirator with Count Coudenhove-Kalergi who, with Archduke Otto von Hapsburg, established the Pan European Union with funding from Rothschild and Warburg. The Austrian School of Economics promised Americans personal economic freedom, however, unfettered, free market economics has sold the U.S. into economic slavery to the international Jewish banking cartel.
“Ron Paul’s Ties to Jewish Supremacism and World Government”
Christopher Jon Bjerknes
“Ron Paul is closely tied to the late Ludwig von Mises through his ideas and the institute which bears his name. Ludwig von Mises was in turn closely tied to the Jewish supremacist and organizer of World Government, Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi. Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi promoted the idea of a European Union and a pan-American Union. Rothschild and Warburg sponsored him.
“Coudenhove-Kalergi also stated that the Jews are a superior race which should lead the World, but that all the other races should be mixed, which according to him would result in the manifestation of the worst traits and the disappearance of the best traits in the Gentile races. Zionist British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli had made similar claims.
“Coudenhove-Kalergi wanted the different ‘races’ to mix in intermarriage so that the children of these unions would be inferior to their parents and would lose any sense of cultural and ethnic heritage. He wanted to then substitute a new culture of obedience and servitude among this new degenerated ‘race’, subservience to a ruling Jewish elite. He would have the Jews remain nobly segregated and preserve them as rulers over all others. It is a fact that many of Coudenhove-Kalergi’s policies have been instituted. Ron Paul is fronting for these von Misian forces.”
The truth is, Ron Paul is a free trade globalist who desires an international currency. The following statement was made by Congressman Paul in an address to the House of Representatives in 2001:
“There’s nothing to fear from globalism, free trade and a single worldwide currency.... The effort in recent decades to unify government surveillance over all world trade and international financial transactions through the UN, IMF, World Bank, WTO, ICC, the OECD, and the Bank of International Settlements can never substitute for a peaceful world based on true free trade, freedom of movement, a single but sound market currency, and voluntary contracts with private property rights.... The ultimate solution will only come with the rejection of fiat money worldwide, and a restoration of commodity money. Commodity money if voluntarily and universally accepted could give us a single world currency requiring no money managers, no manipulators orchestrating a man-made business cycle with rampant price inflation.” (Congressional Record, 13 March 2001)
“Commodity money” refers to gold and silver coinage which was used before fiat currency. Ron Paul’s proposed ‘single worldwide currency’ will fulfill the Protocols of Sion.
“4. When we have accomplished our coup d’etat we shall say then to the various peoples: ‘Everything has gone terribly badly, all have been worn out with suffering. We are destroying the causes of your torment – nationalities, frontiers, differences of coinages.’”
Ron Paul not only promotes a common commodity currency, but private gold banks which would necessarily be owned by the same international Jewish bankers who now own the central banks and their headquarters, the BIS in Switzerland. So while Ron Paul campaigns to abolish the Fed, he is advocating an international gold bank like the central banking system presently in place. The difference may be that the Jewish-owned gold banks will hold all of the commodity money, gold, and the Goyim will hold only debtor notes.
“Ron Paul’s Ties to Jewish Supremacism and World Government”
Christopher Jon Bjerknes
“Paul wants to create private gold banks, which obviously will be international and become the centralized entirely private Jewish controlled World bank Paul’s bosses seek to institute as a mechanism of World control. This new Jewish monopoly on banking and gold will give World Jewry even greater control over money and it will be entirely detached from any country’s government. This is the ultimate privatization of money creation and money supply which International Jewry has always sought. Even the system described in Carroll Quigley’s book does not give World Jewry the power they will obtain under Ron Paul’s system, which extant system has already done so much harm to the Third World and the American dollar,
“‘The powers of financial capitalism had another far reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements, arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the worlds’ central banks which were themselves private corporations. The growth of financial capitalism made possible a centralization of world economic control and use of this power for the direct benefit of financiers and the indirect injury of all other economic groups.’—Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope: A History of The World in Our Time, Macmillan Company, New York, (1966) p. 337.
“Ron Paul was heavily promoted by the Hollywood Zionist Jew Aaron Russo, who claimed a close personal friendship with the Rockefeller family and who didn’t want us to talk about ‘Jewish bankers’. Paul’s ties to leading Zionists and his promotion by gold merchants and prominent figures in the ‘911 truth movement’ who shy away from the proven Zionist Jewish and Israeli connection to 911, has been documented by others.”
Private gold banks? According to Bob Chapman, as reported in his International Forecaster, private gold banks which issue digital gold will be the route to making a global currency palatable to the masses. Digital gold is electronic gold; in other words, virtual gold which exists only on a computer, backed by physical gold in the private gold banks.
“We are hearing more and more about digital gold as a private-bank solution to potential devaluation of fiat currencies. The May/June issue of the CFR’s, Foreign Affairs magazine, Brenn Steil a senior fellow and director of International Economics, who has been on loan from the parent Royal Institute in London since 1996, says digital gold, ‘although a niche business at present, gold banking has grown dramatically in recent years in tandem with the dollar’s decline.’ Mr. Steil was the Illuminist who drew up the plans for the North American Union and the Amero. If there is digital gold out there somewhere we haven’t heard about it.
“The new approach to a world currency obviously will be digital gold. This way they can introduce a one-world currency backed by gold to make it acceptable to the world public. The digital nature means government would know every aspect of your financial life and would control you and your country. The gold storage would, of course, be controlled by the Illuminists. The elitists have come to the conclusion another fiat currency is not going to be acceptable. This is why JP Morgan Chase, Citicorp and Goldman Sachs talk in terms of $2,000 gold and UBS projects $2,500. Historically such benchmarks are usually and normally exceeded by prices from $3,000 to $7,000.
“Steil says countries should abandon monetary nationalism and embrace a world currency. Washington’s latest approach hasn’t worked and the CFR-London Institute approach is in trouble as well.” (“Depression, World Currency and Digital Gold”)
Plans for a private Jewish-controlled World gold bank are confirmed in the Protocols of Sion.
“22. You are aware that the gold standard has been the ruin of the states which adopted it, for it has not been able to satisfy the demands for money, the more so that we have removed gold from circulation as far as possible.”
“10. In the present state of knowledge and the direction we have given to its development of the people...a blind hatred towards all conditions which it considers above itself, for it has no understanding of the meaning of class and condition. This hatred will be still further magnified by the effects of an economic crises, which will stop dealing on the exchanges and bring industry to a standstill. We shall create by all the secret subterranean methods open to us and with the aid of gold, which is all in our hands, a universal economic crises whereby we shall throw upon the streets whole mobs of workers simultaneously in all the countries of Europe.”
Two and a half millennia before the Learned Elders planned to confiscate all of the world’s gold, the prophet Daniel foretold that their false Jewish messiah, the Antichrist, would take possession of the world’s gold and silver.
he shall have power over the
treasures of gold
and of silver,
and over all the precious things of Egypt: and the Libyans and the Ethiopians
shall be at his steps.”
(Daniel 11:43)
The Jews’ privately owned gold banks, advocated by Ron Paul, will hoard all of the world’s physical gold as a reserve asset for the Goyim currency—“digital gold.” Ron Paul appears to be working for the big banks, like Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan Chase, whose PACs and anonymous employees were stealth contributors to his campaign.
Ron Paul has made much ado about his proposed legislation, H.R. 1207, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act, which requires that the Federal Reserve System be audited by the GAO and Congress. ( However, since the final year of the Bush administration, the U.S. financial system has been undergoing an audit by the IMF and World Bank’s Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP). Why has Ron Paul not informed his supporters of this IMF audit? Surely Congressman Paul knows about the IMF Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP). Congressman Paul is a member of the House of Representatives Committee on Financial Services, Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy and Technology, a member of the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigation and the Joint Economic Committee.
He is also a member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, the Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Rights and Oversight, the Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere. “The New Rulers of the World” reveals what happened to human rights and the economy of one Third World nation—Indonesia—when the IMF and World bank got involved. “Argentina’s Economic Collapse” tells the tragic story of Argentina, a wealthy country until its economy was taken over by the IMF.
Little wonder that the United States is on a fast track to Third World status should the IMF, instead of auditing the financial system, be directly intervening in the federal government. Why is Ron Paul silent about IMF oversight of the U.S. economy? Every action taken by the Federal Reserve has brought the U.S. closer to economic and monetary collapse. Jamaica’s currency collapsed after undergoing a lengthy IMF audit, and the U.S. is now on the brink of a dollar collapse. The Dominican Republic was audited by the IMF in 2001-2002 and the next year the financial sector crashed. In their report on the Financial Sector Assessment Program in the Dominican Republic, the IMF was careful to cover its tracks and to put the blame on the domestic banks’ fraudulent accounting practices, for which the IMF denied responsibility.
Dominican Republic FSAP
“The Dominican Republic provides an important example of the limitations of the FSAP process since a major financial crisis occurred shortly after the FSAP exercise was completed. This raises questions about how effectively the FSAP diagnosed the vulnerabilities that led to the crisis and about how the IMF used the results.
“The FSAP was undertaken in 2001-02, and the FSSA was discussed by the IMF Board in June 2002. In early 2003, a run on one of the largest banks—Banco Intercontinental (Baninter)—occurred, triggered by the discovery of massive fraud. The central bank initially provided substantial liquidity support but eventually intervened the bank, removing existing shareholders and management. Similar problems related to accounting malpractices and mismanagement surfaced in two other banks. These events cumulated into a major financial sector crisis, with an eventual cost estimated at between 14 and 17 percent of GDP.
“The evaluation, drawing on a detailed review of IMF internal documents and extensive interviews, reached the following conclusions:
“The FSAP did not detect the immediate cause of the crisis, which involved the keeping of two sets of accounts by the banks involved. But FSAP exercises cannot be expected to detect accounting fraud, and are not a substitute for effective national audit and supervisory practices.” (p. 24)
Congressman Ron Paul preaches the Libertarian doctrines of “economic freedom” and “a free market,” however, the outcome of this scheme has been more ‘freedom’ for the Jewish bankers to steal personal wealth and destroy individual freedoms. He preaches the Austrian School economics of the Jew, Ludwig von Mises, who collaborated with the Jewish Coudenhove-Kalergi and Otto von Hapsburg to establish the Pan European Union. Ron Paul promotes the unbridled capitalism preached by the Jewish atheist, Ayn Rand, who was an agent of “The Trust” to destroy morality and ethics in the United States and to produce an atheistic youth culture appropriately labeled the “Me Generation.” Rightly did the apostle Paul prophesy, “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud...” (2 Timothy 3:1-2)
The Libertarian movement is a front for the Synarchy, and Ron Paul appears to be its major prophet. Masonic authors Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince define “Synarchy” as a theocracy ruled by secret societies. If Ron Paul is a Synarchist, we would expect him to be a member of one or more secret societies. There is, in fact, well-documented evidence that Congressman Paul was inducted into a Masonic fraternity in college.
Ron Paul and masonry/occultism UNDENIABLE proofs - ALL officially documented!
Ron Paul was initiated in the Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity at his alma mater, Gettysburg College, in Pennsylvania. The November 2007 issue of Lambda Chi Alpha’s publication, Cross & Crescent, proudly announced “Ron Paul's Presidential Bid.” Ron Paul was not only a member but a leader of Lambda Chi Alpha.
“Congressman Ron Paul (Gettysburg 1957) says the Fraternity provided him much fellowship but also supported him financially. He became house manager and was paid $9 a month, which paid for his rent. He then took the job of kitchen steward, which he says was a little more challenging... Paul also served as chapter secretary and was president of his pledge class.”
The June 2006 issue of Cross & Crescent featured an article about the initiation ritual of Lambda Chi Alpha, which was formulated by 33º Mason and Worshipful Master of a Masonic Lodge, John E. Mason. “John (‘Jack’) E. Mason - Master Craftsman” states:
“Dr. John E. ‘Jack’ Mason Jr. (Pennsylvania 1913), Lambda Chi Alpha’s spiritual founder, died of viral pneumonia 60 years ago on June 1, 1946. His unexpected death brought to an end the life of a man who converted the dream of our founder into a fully functioning fraternal organization.
“Mason was the principal author of our ritual, the primary designer of our badge and insignia, and the founder of our various publications... Mason was a prolific and tireless worker, and...he was considered ‘a recognized authority in ritual and history in the fraternity world’... Lambda Chi Alpha owes a debt incapable of repayment to Jack Mason, who was principally responsible for the assembly of our initiation ritual...
“Mason was an active member of the Masonic Fraternity, serving as the Worshipful Master of Continental Lodge #738, F.& A.M. of Pennsylvania in 1934. Later in his life he became a member of Philadelphia Lodge #51.
“In 1946, the 20th General Assembly authorized the establishment of the John E. Mason Memorial Foundation to commemorate his many contributions. In 1968, the Mason Memorial Foundation, the Duke Flad Memorial Fund, and the James T. Chirurgs Scholarship were merged into the Lambda Chi Alpha Educational Foundation.
“The most fitting monument, however, to Mason’s great talent remains the Ritual of Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity.”
The November/December 1929 issue of Cross & Crescent presented a wealth of
details on the occult history and character of Lambda Chi Alpha’s ritual. The section titled, “Fraternitys
Ritual of Ancient Origin” states:
“In the summer of 1912 Mason, being dissatisfied with the then ritual of Lambda Chi Alpha,... began gathering material for a ritual which should incorporate existing insignia and combine them with high ethical teaching, traditions drawn from the remote past, a certain degree of esoteric philosophy, and specific perpetuation of old fraternal rituals. Particularly, Mason hoped that he could locate, in some European library, one or more ancient manuscripts which would embody long forgotten ritualistic teachings. He therefore pored over histories of ancient and medieval fraternal bodies, books on occultism, catalogues of notices and extracts from libraries, etc. At once a new field opened up.
“The outlines of fraternal history were sought in such books as Heckethorn's Secret Societies of All Ages and Stevens' Cyclopedia of Fraternities (copies of which are now in the central office library); books on the mystery cults of Egypt, the Orient, Greece, and Rome, by such authors as Wallis-Budge, Foucart, Cumont, Farnell, Jane Harrison, Lobeck, and many another; books on the esoteric cults of the East, by writers like Max Muller, Whitney, and Rhys-Davids; modern books on occultism like those of Mme. Blavatsky, Annie Besant, Eliphas Levy, Rudolph Steiner, Edouard Schure, and A. E. Waite; books on Masonry like those of Gould, Fort, and Mackey – all were devoured eagerly; all were laid under contribution, and voluminous notes were made from them. 251 South 44th St., Philadelphia, was littered up with a strange collection of occult and fraternal lore...
“...Out of all these emerged a formidable collection of notes for the new ritual. In later years, from these same notes was extracted the text of the lecture on fraternal traditions...
“...Out of this
welter of material, a few typical and important lessons were extracted. What
they are is well known to every initiate. It is not so well known that
several portions of our ritual are extracted from ancient fraternal documents,
which had lain hidden for many years until they were dug up for use in this
The historical founder of Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity was René d’Anjou, the ninth Grand Master of the Priory of Sion. According to Wikipedia, René of Anjou founded the chivalric Order of the Crescent, the namesake of Lambda Chi Alpha’s publication, Cross & Crescent. The rituals of Lambda Chi Alpha are based on the rituals of René d’Anjou’s Order of the Crescent.
“René of Anjou...founded an order of chivalry, the Ordre du Croissant, which preceded the royal foundation of St Michael, but did not survive René...
“René and his Order of the Crescent were adopted as ‘historical founders’ by the Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity in 1912, as exemplars of Christian chivalry and charity. Ceremonies of the Order of the Crescent were referenced in formulating ceremonies for the fraternity.”
The Cross & Crescent made reference to “good King Rene” as the patron of the Order of the Crescent, the precursor and founding body of Lambda Chi Alpha:
“In connection with the esoteric traditions of the order has grown up an interest in visiting the scenes where fraternal bodies of the past have met. Thus in 1925 McIntosh and Mason visited Aigues Mortes, traditions meeting place of St. Louis' Knights of the Double Crescent; the haunts of good King Rene, patron of the Order of the Crescent, in Tarascon and Aix; and in 1927 Mason and Nicholson paid a simjlar visit to Angers, Rene's birthplace. Brother Ferris, also, has made a fraternal pilgrimage to Tarascon, one result of which is a beautiful water color sketch of Rene's castle by Mrs. Ferris.”
Who was René d’Anjou (1409-80)? The ruler of many medieval territories, King René was a powerful figure in the Merovingian dynasty and its Dragon Court. The House of Anjou was a junior branch of the House of Vere, the highest pedigree of the demonic Dragon bloodline. The Dragon bloodline claims to have descended from the Canaanite Tuatha de Danaan which had intermarried with the apostate tribe of Dan in northern Israel. The Tuatha de Danaan, also called the Dragon Lords of Anu, were the offspring of the fallen angels (Anunnaki).
“When the Imperial and Royal Dragon Court was reconstituted by King Sigismund in 1408 as the Societas Draconis, it was based upon an ancient bloodline tradition which Sigismund assumed that he had inherited from his presumed Egyptian and Scythian ancestors through the Pictish, Dragon Princess Maelasanu of Northumbria and the Ancient and Original Angevin Royal House of Vere of Anjou, the Imperial Dukes of Angiers. This line had descended through the Tuatha de Danaan (the Dragon Kings of Anu) on the one hand, and the Egyptian Dragon Dynasty of Sobek on the other. The latter strain included the bloodline of the Davidic House of Judah who married into the descent of the Merovingian Kings of the Franks.” (“Genesis of the Grail Kings,” Laurence Gardner)
The offspring of the Dragon Lords of Anu, or Anunnaki, were giants, which in the Hebrew Scriptures are the Nephilim.
“And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. There were giants [Strongs #5303 nephiyl] in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.” Genesis 6:1-3
See: Heeding Bible Prophecy: New Government
10.G The Dragon Court
The sole purpose of the Imperial and Royal Dragon Court was to protect the descendants of this demonic lineage, from which bloodline will come the Antichrist.
“The Dragon Court exists as an organization solely for the bloodline descendants of the ancient Vere family – the senior bloodline successors as a Scythian-Merovin, Elven House of Princess Maelasanu – and for those whose bloodlines are extracted from this descent and its ancient Dragon Court.” (“From Transylvania to Tunbridge Wells,” Foreward, Nicolas de Vere)
Today the Dragon lineage is recognized by the European Union as a sovereign ethnic racial group (the seed of Satan). In fact, the Merovingian dynasty has ruled Europe for the better part of the past two millennia.
“The Imperial and Royal Dragon Court is the ancient Household Court and Order of the senior Angevin descendants of the Imperial and Royal House of Vere of Caledonia, Anjou and Lorraine, and the physical embodiment of the Sovereign Princedom of Drakenberg; which is recognised under European Law as a sovereign ethnic racial group; the principle nation state of the Draconian peoples:
“Furthermore, the royal and ambassadorial nature of the title of the Prince of Drakenberg (Princeps Draconis) is recognised under the ‘Official Observations’ of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Government of its state of origin within the European Union...” (“The Imperial and Royal Dragon Court & Order”)
This partially explains Ron Paul’s heavy promotion of Ludwig von Mises who collaborated with the founders of the Pan European Union, Coudenhove-Kalergi and Otto von Habsburg.
The insignia of the Imperial and Royal Dragon Court is “the dragon incurved into a circle, with a red cross,” the symbol of the Order of the Rose Croix or Roscicrucians.
“In 1408 (when Britain was in her Plantagenet era), the Dragon Court was formally reconstituted as a sovereign body at a time of wars and general political turmoil... The founding document...stated that members of the Court might wear the insignia of a dragon incurved into a circle, with a red cross—the very emblem of the original Rosicrucis which had identified the Grail succession from before 3000 B.C.” (“Genesis of the Grail Kings,” Laurence Gardner)
The symbol of Lambda Chi Alpha is the cross and the crescent. According to the Cross & Crescent, the crescent signifies the rising moon and its points symbolize horns.
“Warren A. Cole is thought to have designed change, for the only maker of the earliest the first Lambda Chi Alpha badge... Its chief feature was a crescent with the horns pointed to the left (what is called a ‘rising crescent’ because of its resemblance to the rising moon and known in heraldry as an increscent) within which appeared the monogram of the letters, Lambda, Chi, and Alpha.” (“Fraternitys Ritual of Ancient Origin”)
The horns pointed toward the left signify the rising moon, or Lucifer; however, the Lambda Chi Alpha website will not divulge that incriminating fact:
“The badge is a pearl-set crescent with horns turned toward the left, and enclosing a monogram of the Greek letters Lambda, Chi, and Alpha. The center of the crescent bears the Greek letters Delta Pi in gold on black enamel. A variety of jewels may be selected for the Lambda.
“Probably no fraternity badge has deeper meaning than that of Lambda Chi Alpha. Not only do the pearls, Greek letters, and crescent have their symbolism, but each line of the crescent and the relationship of the emblems to each other add still greater significance. The meaning of the badge, of course, cannot be discussed here.” (Lambda Chi Alpha Symbols)
Was Ron Paul’s spiritual bond with Lambda Chi Alpha, a Roscrucian fraternity, severed when he graduated from Gettysburg College? The following statement is found in the Ritual of Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity:
“EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND MOTTOS A: Know then that the Bond of our Brotherhood is an eternal union between its members. The greek phrase of Zeugma Adelphotetos Christianikes, or Bond of Christian Brotherhood. Henceforth you are one in spirit with every brother of the fraternity.” (Ritual of Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity, pp. 103-104, 1987)
Ron Paul is evidently a High Initiate in the Rosicrucian/Synarchist Conspiracy, and may be a bloodline descendant of the Dragon lineage. The Congressman has, on more than one occasion, displayed the Satanic hand signal which is used by occultists to identify themselves to fellow occultists everywhere.
Illuminati Hand Signs and Handshakes - Ron Paul
In the photo below, Ron Paul appears to be invoking the Horned God, Lucifer.
Satanic Hand Signs
Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines, p. 246
Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner
“Gestures in Wiccan ritual can easily become second nature. When invoking the Goddess and the God, the hands can be held uplifted with the fingers spread to receive their power... The God is invoked with the first and fourth fingers up, the thumb holding down the others against the palm, to represent horns.” (p. 42) |
According to Crafting Wiccan Traditions by Raven Grimassi, the upraised thumb and pinky finger on the right hand is the sign for invoking the “Horned God.” The same configuration on the left hand invokes the “Crescent Crowned Goddess.” The upraised forefinger and pinky finger is the Wiccan gesture for banishing spirits, i.e., the Holy Spirit. These hand signs are used in Wiccan rituals to establish communication with and receive power from evil spirits. |
Ron Paul’s family are members of Freemasonry and the Order of the Eastern Star, according to someone who should know—Penny Freeman, his Congressional campaign political director and district volunteer coordinator for 10 years:
On April 20th, 2008 the oak says:
Liberty Oak Ranch
Quit using Ron Paul as a forum for your bigotted beliefs. You don’t know anything about him or his ideals obviously. You also know nothing about the Freemason or Eastern Star organizations.
1. Ron Paul’s father was a Freemason and Dr. Paul has said himself many times that he respects the organization and has been to many of the open meetings in his district. I should know, I was his scheduler for ten years.
2. His wife, Carol is a member of the Velasco Order of the Eastern Star and maintains her membership in the Freeport area lodge.
3. Their daughters, Lori and Joy, were both Rainbow girls, another organization associated with Freemasonry.
Your hatefilled retoric regarding a benevolent, Biblically based organization is likened to those who have a fear of the unknown. It spawns lies and hate toward those who are innocent and have done good for others. Just try taking your child to the Shriner’s burn or crippled childrens hospital. They will take care of your child regardless of your ignorance and will do it free of charge. How many people has your paranoia helped?
Source: |
Liberty Oak Ranch is the home of Dr. Gerald and Penny Freeman:
Liberty Oak
Meet Penny Langford-Freeman
Penny Freeman was Ron Paul’s CD-14 Congressional campaign political director and district volunteer coordinator for 10 years. She has tremendous depth in political consulting, strategizing, media, fundraising, scheduling, event coordination, and especially volunteer organizing. She is a landowner in southeast Texas and helps operate a successful large animal veterinarian clinic with her husband Dr. Gerald Freeman.
Penny will be a key statewide leader in a new Ron Paul Republican effort which will seek to elect Ron Paul Republicans to offices around the state in years to come. |
Penny Freeman’s husband, Dr. Gerald Freeman, belongs to the Freeman bloodline which Fritz Springmeier has shown to be an Illuminati bloodline in his book The Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines. Is Dr. Gerald Freeman related to Gaylord Freeman, the late Grand Master of the Prieuré de Sion? We cannot say for sure, since there are many with the surname, Freeman, who are not Illuminati. However, given Gerald and Penny Freeman’s working relationship with Ron Paul, and their defense of Freemasonry and Eastern Star, of which many in Ron Paul’s family are members, we venture to say that this is a very real possibility.
In the course of his research, Springmeier found many Freemans in the professional fields and advising high level political leaders. The Freeman family is not only an Illuminati bloodline, but a high-ranking family within its highest cabal, the Prieuré de Sion. In other words, the Merovingian dynasty from which the Antichrist will come. Like the Learned Elders, Freemans usually work behind the scenes where they will not draw attention:
“The amazing thing about this family is that it is not a family that people would have thought of as being one of the top thirteen; however, for me as a researcher of the elite and the Satanic hierarchy, the name pops up with surprising frequency... the Illuminati’s activities tied in in many ways to the Prieure de Sion. One startling tie in was that the Freeman family was, according to an informant, one of the top 13 Illuminati families... The Freeman family includes many lawyers, doctors, and psychiatrists... We find the Freeman family popping up as the Grand Master of the Prieure de Sion, as a co-founder of the O.T.O., as a member of the Skull and Bones, as a powerful ADL member, as members of Satanic covens, and as authors. of occult books, as well as other suspicious things. It also should be mentioned that two of the Freemans have been very important advisors to the U.S. Presidents and many other high political leaders... the Freeman family and the Rothschild family have members who are also in the 13th bloodline... The 13th Illuminati Bloodline is where the Anti-Christ will come from...” (The Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines, pp. 84, 93, 95, 248-249)
See: Part II. Gaylord Freeman, Grand Master of the Prieuré de Sion
Penny Freeman is also a member of the “JBS and former Ron Paul employee and constitutionalist.” (Houston Area Liberty Campaign)
The 1979 expose, “The Belmont Brotherhood,” exposed the John Birch Society as a front for the Council on Foreign Relations, the Federal Reserve Board, Freemasonry and the Communist Party. (See: “The Belmont Brotherhood” and The John Birch Society”)
Ron Paul also has strong ties to the John Birch Society ––
Ron Paul Goes Birch – John Birch
September 02, 2008 5:27 PM ABC News’ Z. Byron Wolf reports:
There was a hole in the agenda for Ron Paul’s ‘Rally for the Republic.’ Between anti-war author Bill Kauffman and anti-torture lawyer Bruce Fein was a slot on the agenda for ‘Special Guest.’ Would it be Bob Barr, wondered some in the media? Perhaps a mainstream Republican to mend fences between Paul’s supporters and the people across the river in St. Paul at the GOP convention. Nope. Out strolled John McManus. Who? John Birch Society board member – the group also has a booth here – and a former John Birch Society president, McManus announced that Paul would be speaking at their 50th anniversary celebration in Wisconsin this year.
Another speaker, Howard Phillips, who is chair of The Conservative Caucus, referred at one point during his speech to the ‘war of northern aggression.’ (More commonly known as the Civil War). ‘I call it that, even though I’m from Massachusetts, because I have studied a little history since then and I know what was going on when Mr. (President Abraham) Lincoln invaded his own country,’ said Phillips to a very light smattering of applause.
Anti-tax crusader Grover Norquist told the rally, in addition to his work fighting taxes everywhere, he sits on the board of the NRA. ‘Taxes bad, guns good,’ he said.
McManus ended his speech, saying, ‘If you like Ron Paul, you’ll love the John Birch Society.’ McManus is the only speaker so far not to be introduced by MSNBC’s Tucker Carlson, who opened the event today, telling the audience that he voted for Paul in 1988 as a Libertarian.
Right now, former Reagan Justice Department official-turned-President Bush critic Bruce Fein is giving an erudite speech about international relations and the rule of law. There have been no less than four seperate chants of ‘End the Fed,’ including one for McManus, when talk of the Federal reserve comes up... |
The Union Jack, written by Helen Peters (a pseudonym), “proposes to awaken the honest seekers to the truth that: (1) Conspiracy accomplishes most of its purpose under a ‘Christian cloak’. (2) Conspiracy enlists the ‘patriots’ to promote the conspiracy without their knowing it.” Chapter 2, “Political Messianism and the Right Wing, Undermining America with Americanism,” reveals the objective of the Jewish elites, to agitate the masses to the point where they overthrow their own government.
“‘The effect of the activities of these Christian fronts is to create counteraction against the United States government, which in turn builds the revolution to a point where the people themselves overthrow their own government, thinking all the time that they are patriots. The purpose of the right wing as used by British Israel is to create and encourage a revolutionary state of mind and then the people will bring down their own government. The anti-Communist movement as it exists in the United States is peculiarly anti-American; while parading with the American Flag it is developing a pseudo nationalism to wreck the American government, just as Hitler did in Germany. Of course the claim of these people is that they want to get back to constitutional government and most of them sincerely want to, but they do not realize that the EFFECT of their actions is to destroy that which they believe they save. If they could understand the esoteric (hidden) purpose of their organizations, they would not be so anxious to be led to the slaughter. They should realize that as revolution increases constitutional government decreases. Government by crisis is a dictatorship...” (Helen Peters, The Union Jack, Chap. 2)
Under the guise of patriotism, Ron Paul advocates that individual states would be better off by seceding from the Union. According to Congressman Paul, secession will occur on a large scale when the dollar collapses.
“Ron Paul: This weekend I got a couple of calls from the media asking me questions about Rick Perry, our governor here in Texas and the statements he made about possible secession. Now, he didn’t call for secession, but he was restating a principle that was long held and at least in the original time of our country, and that is that there was a right to secession.
“Actually, after the Civil War, nobody believes there is a so-called right to secession, but it is a very legitimate issue to debate because all of the states that came into the Union before the Civil War believed they have a right to secede and New England in the early part of the 19th century actually considered it, and nobody questioned them about whether they had the right to do it or not. ..
“I think people should discuss this because right now, the American people are sick and tired of it all and I think the time will come when people will consider it much more seriously is when the federal government can no longer deliver. That time will come when the dollar collapses.
“No matter what they do and how many promises they have and how many bailouts they have, they can’t do it if the money doesn’t work. So then, the independence of the states will come back and it doesn’t mean that you’ll be un-American to even contemplate what might have to be done once the dollar crashes.” (“It’s Not Un-American To Talk About Secession”)
Ron Paul portrays himself as a Constitutionalist as opposed to the U.S. Government which has routinely disregarded the Constitution in the legislative process. Congressman Paul says the states have a right of secession based on the Constitution, but that is not true, for the right of individual states to function as sovereign states, independent of the federal government, is strictly proscribed by the Constitution:
U.S. Constitution, Article I.
Section. 10. No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.
No State shall, without the Consent of the Congress, lay any Imposts or Duties on Imports or Exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing it’s inspection Laws; and the net Produce of all Duties and Imposts, laid by any State on Imports or Exports, shall be for the Use of the Treasury of the United States; and all such Laws shall be subject to the Revision and Control of the Congress.
No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any Duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.
The following ‘prophecy’ by “Initiates of the Rosicrucian Fraternity...predict(s) three momentous events to take place in the decade following a surprise attack on America...September 11, 2001 in New York City.” The Rosicrucian Initiates predict a Second American Revolution which will lead to a “Great Separation” between the Wheat and the Tares—those deemed unfit by the “Celestial Beings” (demons) to live in the Rosicrucian New Renaissance.
Manisis, the New Dispensation and the New Renaissance
“As you will read in The Manisis Chronicles, the three momentous events of our time will be (1) The Invasion of the United States by the combined forces of the Old World, (2) The Revolt of the American People (Second American Revolution) against the Established Order because of the obvious betrayal of their responsibilities by this Establishment and (3) Cataclysmic Earth Changes that will all but destroy the integrity of the Old World and bring about the final stage of the Great Separation. The processes that are to bring about these events are now well begun. By the concerted efforts of the Celestial forces our leaders are doing everything they can to court the enmity of the nations of the Old World. However, as Chapter 17 of The Manisis Chronicles tells us, all this is essential to bring about the glorious New Renaissance–the prophesied Heaven on Earth.
“But, what, you may ask, is the Great Separation? This is the underlying purpose for all three of these catastrophic events. Just as in the days of Biblical patriarchs Noah and Lot, the Celestial Forces feel the earth is in need of a thorough ‘cleansing.’ This they will accomplish by the three phase operation mentioned above. By this cleansing triumvirate they will fulfill the Scriptural separation of the wheat and the tares. The wheat being those who are ‘fit’ to live in the coming New Renaissance–not that they are perfect mind you, but that they have far more good in them than evil. The tares, of course, being of a contrary constitution, have within them far more evil than good.
“This Great Separation will take place in three stages. First will be the invasion of the United States as described above and as is described in detail in The Manisis Chronicles. By this invasion many Americans and many of the invading forces will be destroyed. This constitutes phase one of the Great Separation. Phase two will be initiated by the American public themselves as they rise up against those who have for so long deprived them of their true rights and opportunities as American citizens. This will constitute phase two of the Great Separation. Last and final stage will be the most dramatic and will be completely under the direction of the Celestial Beings themselves. As happened in the days of Atlantis, old lands will sink away and new lands will rise due to great changes in the Continental tectonic plates. With these changes, America will be saved from the invading armies, but most of the Old World will be no more as it has been known for centuries. Those people throughout the world who are eligible to be of the wheat will find ways to be safe wherever they are, but those who are of the tares, will find no safe haven, no matter where they are.” (The Fraternitas Rosæ Crucis)
The “last and final stage” – the Great Separation – “will be the most dramatic and will be completely under the direction of the Celestial Beings themselves.”
This is the ideology of Synarchy, originated by Saint-Yves d’Alveydre and now imminent according to the Rosicrucians, whose esoteric version of Christianity derives its teachings from the Jewish Kabbalah. “ ‘government by secret societies’, or by a group of initiates who operate from behind the scenes. It is an analogue of ‘theocracy’, or rule by a priesthood.” The writings of Saint-Yves d’Alveydre revealed Agarttha to be “a Trinitarian unity and Synarchy of Judeo-Christians” with its roots in the “Jewish School of Alexandria, seeking by means of unification, through many Judœo-Christian sects, to dominate and secretly rule the Western World.” However, as Saint-Yves revealed, this Synarchy of Judeo-Christian Dominionists will, in reality, be “‘government by secret societies’, or by a group of initiates who operate from behind the scenes” who “will be completely under the direction of the Celestial Beings themselves.”
Ron Paul authored a book titled The Revolution: A Manifesto (2008) and he repeatedly calls for another American Revolution. The American and French Revolutions were the work of Judeo-Freemasonry and, according to the Protocols of Sion, revolutions are the means by which Learned Elders obtain absolute control over sovereign nations.
“14. When the populace has seen that all sorts of concessions and indulgences are yielded it, in the same name of freedom it has imagined itself to be sovereign lord and has stormed its way to power, but, naturally like every other blind man, it has come upon a host of stumbling blocks. It has rushed to find a guide, it has never had the sense to return to the former state and it has laid down its plenipotentiary powers at our feet. Remember the French Revolution, to which it was we who gave the name of ‘Great’: the secrets of its preparations are well known to us for it was wholly the work of our hands.”
The Appendix of George Armstrong’s book, The Rothschild Money Trust, contains a discourse given in 1869 by a prominent Rabbi Reichhorn at the funeral of the Grand Rabbi Simeon-ben-Ihuda of Prague. This funeral oration, which predated the Protocols by 35 years, are found fully developed in the Protocols. The publisher, Readcliffe, paid with his life for divulging the Jewish conspiracy. Among the tenets listed by Rabbi Reichhorn is the fomenting of revolutions by Christians who are misled by gifted orators.
“Funeral Oration” / The Fatal Discourse of Rabbi Reichhorn
“10. We count among us plenty of orators capable of feigning enthusiasm and of persuading mobs. We shall spread them among the people to announce changes which should secure the happiness of the human race. By gold and by flattery we shall gain the proletariat which will charge itself with annihilating Christian capitalism. We shall promise workmen salaries of which they have never dared to dream, but we shall also raise the prices of necessities so that our profits will be greater still. (inflation)
11. In this manner we shall prepare Revolutions which the Christians will make themselves, and of which we shall reap the fruit.”
19. At the wished for hour, fixed in advance, we shall let loose the Revolution, which by ruining all classes of Christianity, will definitely enslave the Christian to US. Thus will be accomplished the promise of God made to his people.” (The Rothschild Money Trust, pp. 228-229)
Radio Interview: Ron Paul's Rosicrucian Connections