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Smoke, Mirrors and Disinformation…
Part II
EMNR’s Co-founder was Chair of…
World Evangelical Fellowship’s Willowbank Consultation, 1989
Vernon Grounds, who is credited with Gordon Lewis as being one of the co-founders of EMNR on the EMNR web site, was Chair of the World Evangelical Fellowship’s consultation [1989] which issued the Willowbank Declarationl
These are the official guidelines to be followed in Jewish evangelism. Grounds is also Corresponding Editor of Christianity Today.
Willowbank participants included:
Dr. Vernon Grounds (Chairman) co-founder of Evangelical Ministries to New Religions/EMNR
Dr. Tokunboh Adeyemo––World Evangelical Fellowship, General Secretary
Dr. Arthur Glasser––Fuller Theological Seminary*
Mrs. Gretchen Gaebelein Hull see below
Dr. Kenneth Kantzer––first Dean of Trinity Evangelical Theological Divinity School/TEDS*
Rev. Murdo MacLeod, ENGLAND–– Scottish Branch of the Int’l Celtic Congress
Dr. J. I. Packer––Regent College*, Vancouver, Canada
Dr. David Wells––faculty Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary*
Tuvya Zaretsky––Jews for Jesus
*Denotes member of the Rockefeller-affiliated Assn. of Theological Schools/ATS [accrediting agency for majority of the U.S./Canadian seminaries.]
Frank Gaebelein––a possible relation to Gretchen Gaeblin Hull–– Frank Gabelein was an Associate Editor at Christianity Today, a chairman of the style committee for the "Holy Bible, New International Version/NIV, 45 year member of the board for the American Tract Society/ATS [see ATS board of Reference] and was first headmaster of Stonybrook School, NY––credited with being an influence on former Roman Catholic Walter Martin’s conversion to Christianity.
See Ministries to NU Religions, Christian Research Institute, Walter Martin, Hank Hanegraaff and associates.
EMNR’s landmark Rockford Conference on Discernment and Evangelism, 1989
[Conference info found by scrolling halfway down page.] ~ edited for purposes of this report ~
…the largest international Evangelical conference/symposium on the Cults, the Occult and discernment issues ever to be held in the history of the Midwestern United States. People came from Canada, England, and Scotland as well as from all over America. It was co-sponsored by TV 38 in Chicago, WQFL and WGSL radio stations and First Evangelical Free Church all in Rockford, Illinois. It was co-hosted by The Institute For Christian Apologetics…The Steering Committee consisted of Dr. Gordon Lewis, Eric Pement, and Rev. Kevin S. Johnson.
Those speaking included the best experts in the Christian Apologetics field such as: Dr. Gleason Archer, Trinity Divinity School Deerfield, IL, Dr. Vernon Grounds, Trinity Divinity School Deerfield, I, [Christianity Today, Corresponding Editor]; Dr. Erwin Lutzer, Senior Pastor Moody Memorial Church Chicago; Dr. Ruth Tucker [Worldwide Church of God apologist], Trinity Divinity School, Deerfield, IL ; Dr. Robert Morey, Founder of Truth Seekers Ministry; Rabi Maharaj [Spiritual Counterfeits Project/SCP*]; Mark Mittelberg, Willow Creek Church Barrington, IL; James Sire, InterVarsity Fellowship and Press; Dr. Ron Rhodes, Founder of Reasoning From The Scriptures; Dr. Ronald Enroth, Westmont College, CA; Agusta Harting; Co-Founder Families Against Cults Ministries/ FACM; Robert Passantino, Co-Founder Answers In Action, CA, [CRI JOURNAL Contributing Editor since 1987];… Maureen Davies, Occult expert, United Kingdom; Elliot Miller; Christian Research Institute; CA; and others including Spiritual Counterfeit/SCP Bob Burrow and Christian Research Institute/CRI’s Charles Strohmer,[CRI JOURNAL Contributing Editor]
… signed
Rev. Kevin S. Johnson,
President and Co-Founder of The Institute For Christian Apologetics (ICA) and Mount Carmel Outreach (MCO). The first fulltime branch of MCO was founded in 1985 in Rockford, IL
For more in-depth information on EMNR’s Rockford Conference, click here.
Editor’s Note: Wayne House and Eric Pement are ICA board members; both are EMNR board members.
ICA’s first endorsement came from Walter Martin, Christian Research Institute/CRI.
Speaker at Rockford Conference, Rabi Maharaj…
Death of a Guru by Rabi R. Maharaj with Dave Hunt.
This book is an updated edition of the poignant autobiography (formerly titled Escape into the Light) of Rabi R. Maharaj, who was a Hindu from a long line of Brahmin priests and gurus. He describes his life as a Hindu and his struggle to choose between Hinduism and Christ. 208pp $7.95
Ronald Enroth was a speaker at EMNR’s first conference, the landmark Rockford Conference on Discernment and Evangelism, 1989 [as were Rabi Maharaj and Bob Burrows from Spiritual Counterfeits Project/SCP. Enroth has been a speaker at subsequent EMNR conferences; one in 1995 and the other in 1997.
Jewel van der Merwe who heads Discernment Ministries was an EMNR speaker in 1994 and 1996.
Dave Hunt spoke at the1996 EMNR Conference. His topics were ‘Ecumenism: Evangelicals Greatest Challenge’ and the ‘Psychologizing of Christianity.’
John Ankerberg, associate and friend of Dave Hunt and a member of the Council for National Policy was also a speaker at the 1996 conference.
Paige Patterson, also a member of the secret Council for National Policy and President of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary* spoke at the 1995 EMNR conference;
Albert Mohler, President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary* spoke at the 1998 EMNR conference.
*Both seminaries are members of the Rockefeller-affiliated Assn. of Theological Schools/ATS [ecumenical accrediting agency for seminaries].
Norman Geisler, who has appeared on the Christian Research Institute/CRI JOURNAL masthead as Contributing Editor since 1989 and is President of Southern Evangelical Seminary [see SES Advisory & Board of Reference below] spoke at the 1997 EMNR conference.
EMNR’s web site RESOURCES page offers numerous tapes of past EMNR conference speakers but only six videos:
Of the six video titles that are offered through EMNR, four are by:
Timothy George––founder/president Beeson Divinity School* [ATS member]
Wayne House––EMNR board member; Christian Research Institute’s CRI JOURNAL, Contributing Editor since 1995
Ron Enroth–– covered throughout this report
Norman Geisler––founder/president of Southern Evangelical Seminary/ Christian Research Institute’s CRI JOURNAL, Contributing Editor since 1989
Ed. Notes:
Norman Geisler received his PhD. in philosophy from Loyola University* Chicago [Roman Catholic].
*Loyola University is a member of the Rockefeller-affiliated Assn. of Theological Schools [ecumenical accrediting agency for seminaries]
Ironically, Wayne House is an EMNR board member as well as a Contributing Editor to the Christian Research Institute’s CRI Journal [Walter Martin/ Hank Hanegraaff] since 1995. CRI JOURNAL Masthead
EMNR’s APOLOGETICS INDEX [Anton Hein] advertises Geisler’s book, Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics on the INDEX’s front/home page: [scroll to bottom]
Southern Evangelical Seminary––Founder/President Norman Geisler
John Ankerberg - The Ankerberg Theological Research Institute [CNP member]
Wendell R. Bird – Attorney [CNP member]
Josh McDowell - Josh McDowell Ministry/Campus Crusade for Christ –– associate member of the World Evangelical Fellowship
Ravi Zacharias - Ravi Zacharias International Ministries –– associate member of the World Evangelical Fellowship
Kay Arthur - Precept Ministries
Bill Bright - Campus Crusade for Christ ––associate member of the World Evangelical Fellowship
Robert P. Dugan, Jr. - National Association of Evangelicals/NAE––regional body of the World Evangelical Fellowship and member of the secret Council for National Policy
Geoffrey Griffith - Africa Evangelical Fellowship
Hank Hanegraaff - Christian Research Institute
Eldon Howard - SIM International ––associate member of the World Evangelical Fellowship
Norm Sonju - Camp of the Woods Ministry
John Wesley White - Billy Graham Association
“Interestingly enough you will notice that the emblem is made up of three pairs of triangles with their apexes touching. Each pair collectively represents the number 6, which qualifies the whole symbol as a graphical representation of 666.” (“Sects, Symbolism & Mark of the Beast”)
![]() Image of the Seal from Eliphas Levi's Transcendental Magick |
![]() |
Members of EMNR are encouraged to display the occult EMNR logo:
“In addition to the benefits inherent in the stated purpose, members receive a quarterly email newsletter, a free subscriptions to The Watchman Expositor magazine, participation in our annual summit conference, discounts to our annual conference and on other items made available through cooperating organizations, and authorization to display the EMNR logo on your letterhead or products to indicate to others your cooperation and accountability with other ministries.”
EMNR as an Umbrella to oversee other organizations
EMNR was set up as a Lausanne-oversight ministry to oversee other member ministries––as long as they agree to sign on to the Lausanne Covenant, and the EMNR Guidelines. By signing on to the EMNR requirements, EMNR member-ministries are in actuality outward expressions of EMNR…THEY ARE EMNR. Therefore, people who participate at their conferences––EMNR’s or EMNR member-org conferences [knowingly or unknowingly] identify themselves with Lausanne’s EMNR and all that it represents.
Christian Research Journal, Winter/Spring, 1990
"…CRI's mission is to serve the entire church, and this is done better as an independent parachurch organization. There is, however, mutual accountability––not only within CRI, but in the larger field of countercult and discernment ministry. We are members in good standing of Evangelical Ministries to New Religions [EMNR], a network of respected organizations which annually affirm the orthodox statements of the Lausanne Covenant…" The Editor [Elliot Miller]
Editor’s Note:
A Watch Unto Prayer researcher contacted EMNR about CRI’s affiliation with EMNR and received this correspondence from EMNR’s Executive Director:
I have been Executive Director of EMNR since 1997 and during my tenure CRI has not been a member nor have they applied for membership. There is nothing in the records I have that indicate CRI was ever a member of EMNR, however, this does not mean that they were not members at some point, particularly in EMNR's formative years since Walter Martin was part of that group which were first part of EMNR. Bear in mind that in those days membership was less formalized as there were very little in the way of membership requirements. When and why CRI ceased to be members I could not tell you as there is no record of such.
Elliot Miller, who is on the CRI staff did serve as a Board Member of EMNR for a few years in the mid 90's however he resigned from the Board due to his increasing workload at CRI not affording him the time he would need to serve on the Board. Even though Mr. Miller served on the EMNR Board, CRI was not a member of EMNR during that time, nor did they apply for membership.
I hope this answers your questions.
With Best Regards,
Bob Waldrep
Executive Director, EMNR
The Christian Research Institute/CRI masthead prominently displays the name of Gordon R. Lewis as contributing editor for the CRI JOURNAL. Lewis’s name has appeared through the years on the CRI masthead beginning with the Fall 1992 issue of the Christian Research Journal. There is no question that EMNR and CRI share an inter-locking directorate which is tied to Lausanne.
EMNR Member Orgs include:
Cornerstone Apologetics Research Team [CART]
Walter Martin’s Religious InfoNet
Southern Baptist Convention Interfaith Evangelism
Families Against the Cults Ministries
Institute for Religious Research/Mormons in Transition
President of EMNR John Morehead is on WF staff, Bob Bowman—Institute for the Development of Evangelical Apologetics'' (IDEA) and Atlanta Christian Apologetics Project/ACAP; Bowman attended Fuller Theological Seminary. |
? Apologia––Rich Poll, Ron Rhodes, Paul Carden, Alan Scholes; Poll and Scholes have direct ties to Campus Crusade for Christ.
Apologia-related projects:
Apologetics Research Resources on Religious Cults, Sects, Movements, Doctrines, Etc.
Anton Hein is a moderator with Rich Poll for AR Talk.
Hein has a questionable past.
See article: ‘USING "HEIN-SITE" Internet Apologist leads A Double Secret Life’
APOLOGETICS INDEX’s ties to Campus Crusade through Leadership U…
About "Religion Items in the News" [following found on the AI web site]
~ edited
* If you do not have WWW access, you can retrieve the text of Web pages by email using Leadership University's* EDoc service. For instructions, email with in the body of the message one word: help
* "Religion Items in the News" is provided as a service to the AR-talk apologetics resource discussion list, where it is always posted first. For information about AR-talk, see, or send "subscribe AR-talk" to without quotes…
Apologetics Index (,, provides 11,223 pages of research resources on religious cults, sects, new religious movements, alternative religions, apologetics-, anticult-, and countercult organizations, doctrines, religious practices and world views. These resources reflect a variety of theological and/or sociological perspectives.
The site provides information that helps equip Christians to logically present and defend the Christian faith, and that aids non-Christians in their comparison of various religious claims. Issues addressed range from spiritual and cultic abuse to contemporary theological and/or sociological concerns.
Apologetics Index also includes ex-cult support resources, up-to-date religion news (, cult news, articles on Christian life and ministry, and a variety of other features.
Source: < [See bottom of page]
Rich Poll and his wife Pam, who works for Navigators, are graduates of ISOT and Alan Scholes, who is on Rich Poll’s APOLOGIA board of directors, is on the ISOT faculty. Navigator’s is an associate member of the World Evangelical Alliance
Int’l School of Theology [ISOT] is a member of the Rockefeller-affiliated Assn. of Theological Schools [accrediting agency for seminaries].
Interesting details from the Christian Research Institute Archives:
Anton Hein [Apologetics Index] a contributor to CRI; Poll recommends books from
Tavistock Institute,
Gordon Melton and Anson Schupe [CESNUR];
Wellspring’s Larry Pile a contributor [Pile was/is
intelligence; see
Pile BIO]; Irving Hexham’s NUREL web site
What do the following people all have in common?
[Answer: All are members listed below are members of AR-Talk. But there are major problems!!!]
Rich Abanes, Religious Information Center
Bill Alnor, Eastern Christian Outreach
Eileen Barker, London School of Economics <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[LSE’s INFORM; CESNUR board member with Massimo Introvigne & Gordon Melton, apologists for Church of Scientology and Unification Church]
Mark Bassett, United Pentecostal Church
Frank Beckwith, Trinity International University
Cal Beisner, Covenant College
James Beverley, Tyndale College and Seminary
Rob Bowman, Inst. for the Development of Evangelical Apologetics/IDEA
Craig Branch, Apologetics Resource Center [EMNR board member and American Family Foundation, chairman of the Clergy Relations Committee]
Steve Canon, Personal Freedom Outreach
Paul Carden, The Centers for Apologetic Research
Steve Cowan, Apologetics Resource Center
Donald Dicks, Atlanta Christian Apologetics Project
Jerry Dodson, Ligonier Ministries
[founder James Houston was also the founder of Regent College, Vancouver Canada and C.S. Lewis Institute]
Ron Enroth, Westmont College <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
John & Phyllis Farkas, Berean Christian Ministries
Jan Groenveld, Cult Awareness & Information Centre
Doug Groothuis, Denver Seminary
Dean Halverson, International Students, Inc.
Craig Hawkins, Apologetics Information Ministry
Craig Hazen, Biola University
Anton Hein, Apologetics Index
Irving Hexham, University of Calgary [NU-REL web site] <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Bill Honsberger, Haven Ministries
Gordon Lewis, Denver Seminary
Janice Lyons, Christians Investigating New Age Medicine
Elliot Miller, Christian Research Institute
Fred Miller, True Light Educational Ministry
John Morehead, Watchman Fellowship
Robert Morey, California Institute of Apologetics
Cathy Norman, Church of Scientology <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Eric Pement, Cornerstone magazine
Rich Poll, Apologia Report
David Reed, Comments from the Friends
Ron Rhodes, Reasoning from the Scriptures
Bruce Robinson, Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance
John Stackhouse, Regent College
Jon Trott, Cornerstone magazine
Don Veinot, Midwest Christian Outreach
James Walker, Watchman Fellowship
Luke Wilson, Institute for Religious Research
James White, Alpha & Omega Ministries
Editor’s Note:
The EMNR 2002 Conference included Irving Hexham and Gordon Melton as speakers.
See last EMNR section: Ecumenical Apologetics: EMNR’s New Missiological Paradigm
More EMNR members…
? Personal Freedom Outreach [PFO]
[leadership includes: EMNR board member James Bjornstad, Christian Research Institute’s Contributing Editors: Edmond Gruss, Norman Geisler]
PFO Conferences: <
PFO 2002 Conference <
Speakers included: Dave Hunt and Paul Martin [American Family Foundation and Well Spring]
Saint Louis Conference on Biblical Discernment 2000
Speakers included: Bill and Jackie Alnor, Craig Branch [EMNR board member and chairman of the Clergy Relations Committee for the American Family Foundation], Paul Martin [American Family Foundation and Wellspring Retreat and Resource Center] and Larry Pile [Wellspring Retreat Center / Lawrence Pile was/is intelligence; see Pile BIO]
Editor’s Note: Alnor was the News Editor for Christian Research Institute in the early 1990s. Constance Cumbey’s e-mail about: William Alnor, Eternity Magazine, EMNR, the New Age Gold Lake Conference [1987], Spiritual Counterfeits Project, Eric Pement, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Denver Seminary and Gordon Melton is posted in a later section of this report:
Smoke, Mirrors and Disinformation…
More EMNR members…
? CARTS/Cornerstone Apologetics Research Team |
Eric Pement and Bob and Gretchen Passantino––both Passantinos have been Contributing Editors to Christian Research Institute’s CRI JOURNAL since 1987 and earlier.
More EMNR members…
? Walter Martin’s Religious InfoNet –– Kevin Rische, son-in-law to the late Walter Martin
More EMNR members…
? Southern Baptist Convention Interfaith Evangelism
––Phil Roberts director of SBC’s Interfaith Evangelism and EMNR board member. See ‘Baptist Catholic Dialogue Concluding’ “October 22, 2001 The co-chairs of the Southern Baptist-Catholic Conversation announced the ending of the current round of formal Conversations between these two communities…”
More EMNR members…
? Families Against the Cults Ministries –– Dan & Agusta Harting
Ed. Note: FACM conference speakers have included Gary Kah, Dave Hunt, Ron Rhodes /Apologia, John Ankerberg/CNP [1999 FAC Conference] Phil Roberts , EMNR board member and director of SBC Interfaith Evangelism––member org of EMNR.
Gary Kah’s Hope for the World participates in a web alliance with FACM.
More EMNR members…
? Institute for Religious Research/Mormons in Transition –– Luke P. Wilson
Ed. Note: See IRR/MIT [Luke Wilson] in the section which follows:
EMNR’s Ecumenical Dialogue: Ronald Enroth and his associates …Promos for the Mormon Church
More Smoke, Mirrors and Disinformation…
The Compromised Ties of the Apologetics Ministries
Evangelical Ministries to New Religions – Part 3